Mgr. Petr Žídek, PhD
Partner and Attorney
Petr is a recognized IT law, intellectual property, and data protection expert. As an attorney with more than 15 years of experience, he has wide-ranging experience in IT, telecommunications, as well as public financing.
Currently, he is most excited about supporting and advising companies that develop digital products—both start-ups and established Czech and foreign IT companies. In his profession, he appreciates the opportunity to look closely at how new technologies are created and how they are applied in various areas of human activity—in healthcare, finance, marketing, or the defense industry.
His favourite projects are innovative ones where he has to find his way through the pitfalls of various legal regulations. In addition to law, Petr studied history. He started his career in international law firms.
He is fluent in Czech and English.
IT law and intellectual property
Public procurement and investments
In the legal field, we work with vocabulary.
Therefore, every lawyer must be able to use
the language, understand the meaning of words
and grammatical interpretation. Even a legal
memorandum should be written in a way
everyone understands.

More on Petr
Masaryk University, Postgraduate Degree Programme: International Private Law, academic title: PhD (2008)
Masaryk University, Master’s Degree Programme: Law and Jurisprudence, academic title: Mgr. (2002)
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia (2001)
Masaryk University, Faculty of Arts, Programme: History (2001)
since 2012: Feichtinger Žídek Fyrbach Attorneys, Partner
2008–2011: ROWAN LEGAL, Trainee Attorney, Attorney, Partner (Head of Public Law Desk)
2004–2007: Weil Gotshal Manges, Trainee Attorney
Czech Bar Association
Slovak Bar Association
Comprehensive preparation of an investment fund, including financing from the EU structural funds
Acquisition of a leading global supplier of virtual military training products
Support to the supplier in a complex public safety and security project for the Prague Metro
Representation of a landline and mobile operator in disputes over interconnection of telecommunications networks
Representing a managing authority before the European Commission in a financial correction matter
Representing the state in an international investment arbitration in the healthcare sector